Reframing the Art of Aging Care in the Home

  • Room: 120/121
  • Session Number: 402
Monday, October 24, 2022: 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM


Khai Nguyen MD, MHS
National Medical Director
Community Health Accreditation Partner (CHAP)
Margherita Labson BSN, MSHSA, CCM, CPHQ
Strategic Advisor, Chief Quality Officer, VP Business Development
McLabson Consultation and Education LLC


Ageism is discrimination based on older age. It is pervasive and permeates throughout healthcare marginalizing older adults. The 4Ms framework for developing Age-Friendly Care is an innovation in care that directly challenges ageism and serves to promote the well-being and quality of life for older adults. Reframing attitudes and approaches towards aging and older people are critical during this time of unprecedented longevity. Identifying and addressing strategies to combat ageism in home health, hospice and caregiving though the application of Age-Friendly Care is not just a clinical opportunity, but a leadership priority towards overall organizational success. This proposal aims to equip organizations with age-friendly tools and strategies to optimize their approach in communications, marketing, clinical care, and training of staff towards a burgeoning older clientele.



Course Level: Intermediate; 1.2 Accounting CPEs (NASBA/PHR) 1 Nursing CNEs contact hours

Learning Outcomes

1. Identify the presence and effects of ageism on administrative and clinical care practices and how
reframing aging can help to combat it..
2. Describe the Age-Friendly Health System Movement and the the 4Ms of Age-Friendly Care and how
it be applied in the home.
3. Apply Age-Friendly Care in developing comprehensive plans to address older adult social and care
needs in the home.
